Or, once completed, the 3D model can be projected onto the background, becoming a 2.5D image (upon which further effects can be applied). They can also be exported as a displacement map, although, in that case, the lower poly version generally requires more resolution. The resulting mesh details can then be exported as normal maps to be used on a low poly version of that same model. ZBrush is most known for being able to sculpt medium- to high-frequency details that were traditionally painted in bump maps. ZBrush uses dynamic levels of resolution to allow sculptors to make global or local changes to their models. ZBrush is used for creating " high-resolution" models (able to reach 40+ million polygons) for use in movies, games, and animations, by companies ranging from ILM and Weta Digital, to Epic Games and Electronic Arts. The main difference between ZBrush and more traditional modeling packages is that it is more akin to traditional sculpting. It uses a proprietary " pixol" technology which stores lighting, color, material, orientation and depth information for the points making up all objects on the screen. Pixologic ZBrush is a digital sculpting tool that combines 3D/ 2.5D modeling, texturing and painting. GoZ™ also supports the transfer of multiple Tools and/or SubTools between ZBrush and its target applications.Pixologic. You can import an OBJ file which includes topology changes and ZBrush will automatically updating your current sculpture without losing details. This means that you can even use the ZBrush portion of GoZ’s™ features in non-supported applications. GoZ™ is based on core features of ZBrush. The updated mesh is immediately ready for further detailing, map creation and transferring to any other GoZ™-enabled application. Upon sending your mesh back to ZBrush, GoZ™ will automatically remap the existing high-resolution details to the incoming mesh, even if you’ve significantly changed the topology in your other application! GoZ™ will take care of simple operations such as correcting points & polygons order, as well as more advanced operations that require complete remapping. With a single click of a button, GoZ™ will transfer your mesh to a GoZ™-enabled application of your choice and instantly set up all the appropriate shading networks for you. With GoZ™ there is no need to invest time in setting up shading networks for your normal, displacement, and texture maps. It is a significant part of why so many artists have created ground-breaking work using ZBrush.

This lack of technical barriers makes working within ZBrush feel like real-world sculpting and painting.

One of the core functions of ZBrush has always been to provide artists the ability to create in an environment that allows for complete freedom of expression.